
Curricular Activity

  • General Medicine Faculty
  • Faculty of Pediatrics
  • Preventive Medicine Faculty
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Clinical Psychology Faculty
  • FacultyofNursing
  • Faculty of  Secondary Vocational Education
  • Faculty of International Students

Since the foundation of the University the idea to integrate theory and practice has been carried out. Traditional methods of learning by examining patients are combined with modern education technologies.

Innovative teaching methods and advanced technologies are widely used in the educational process. They are evidence-based approach, distance learning, interactive teaching, e-textbooks and multimedia sources and many more.

The University’s library counts over 750 000 books in Russian, English and French. It’s equipped with computer classes with e-books and Scientific Reference Databases.

The Center for Simulation Training and Specialist Accreditationfocuses on pre-clinical training for students, residents and doctors who improve their skills using modern mannequins, phantoms, simulators and training devices designed to master therapeutic and diagnostic activities.

The University creates equal opportunities for everyone who wants to become a medical specialist. Training and Development Resource Center is aimed at making medical education available for people with limited abilities.

Medical Activity

Medical activity is one of the main focus areas of the University that contributes to the practical healthcare of Ryazan City and Ryazan Region.

Annually clinical department staff provides consultations to 40,000 patients, performs 30,000 operations and assists during 60,000 surgeries.

The University has contributed to the practical healthcare with over 100 new diagnosis and treatment methods, over 30 reference books and over 150 researches.

The University is accredited to do preclinical and clinical research of medical preparations and is included to the federal register of medical organizations able to test medical equipment.

Scientific Activity

The University’s research work corresponds to the spheres of interest of its scientific schoolsand trends in the medical science. It contributes to the practical healthcare of Ryazan City and Ryazan Regiontaking part in regional and local science and research programs and competitions as well as cooperating with a number of enterprises and firms specializing in producing medical equipment and drugs.

To promote research results the University encourages its scientists into publishing their articles and thesis in scientific journals and taking part in conferences all around the world.

The University succeeds in increasing the number of the youth in the spheres of science and education. It involves undergraduate and postgraduate students into research work as well as provides opportunities forfurther studies to gain a degree in teaching.

Extracurricular Work

Traditionally extracurricular work is an essential aspect of higher education. Synchronous professional and personal development is necessary for a would-be-doctor. Realization of personal creative potential helps to cultivate in students such traits of character as justice, kindness and passion about their work.

Transmitting cultural heritage and creating a knowledgeable society have become goals of higher education. Being developed in the environment based on humanistic values is important for a doctor-to-be.

Taking into consideration all the above the University sets itself the following objectives:

  1. To develop universal human values and the feeling of civil responsibility in students, to teach them to be tolerant;
  2. To discover creative potential of every student, to motivate them to take initiative, to create conditions for healthy lifestyle and physical education;
  3. To develop a positive attitude to labor, to enable students to socialize and adapt in the labor-market, to teach to respect the law and estimate their behavior objectively.

International Activity

International activity is one of the main directions of the University’s development that helps to reach its goals in the frame of globalization.

The University is an active participant of various international projects, an organizer of international conferences and a host of international sportscompetitions.Ithas cooperatedsuccessfully with foreign universities and scientific centers for years.

The University meets international quality standards in the spheres of science and education.

International Students

Students from 59 countries of the world study at the University. Our graduates are provided with state diplomas enabling their holders to practice medicine all around the world.

International Cooperation and Exchange Programs

Currently Ryazan State Medical University has 12 valid agreements and memorandums on bilateral cooperation in terms of scientific and educational programs and 1 agreement on cooperation in the field of academic mobility of students:


Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino (Uzbekistan)


​Free State Department of Education (the Republic South of Africa)


International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA)


Karaganda State Medical University (Kazakhstan)


Kazakh-Russian Medical University (Kazakhstan)


Samarkand State Medical University (Uzbekistan)


SanzharAsfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University (Kazakhstan)


Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)


Semey Medical University (Kazakhstan)


Suleyman Demirel University (Kazakhstan)


Tashkent State Dental Institute (Uzbekistan)


Vitebsk State Medical University (Belarus)


Yasuj University of Medical Sciences (Iran)

Over the past five years more than 700 University students have traveled abroad in the framework of academic mobility programs and over 150 University professors have lectured abroad at partner-universities. In its turn, Ryazan State Medical University has trained over 870 exchange students and 120 professors from partner-universities have visited ours with theoretical and practical courses.